In Spain there is a trend that involves the creative use of wordplay in English, such as “Fish & Cheap”, “Nice & Price”, etc.
We ask an English native what they think.
It is interesting how creative wordplay can attract attention and help a company stand out, but it is not always effective, especially if the association between the words is not clear or relevant to the product or service being advertised. It is important that creativity in marketing has a clear purpose and aligns with the brand and message it wants to convey. If wordplay is not well executed or does not have a clear connection with what is being advertised, it is likely that it will not work as expected and the message may be lost. In conclusion, creativity in marketing is valuable, but it should be backed up by a solid strategy and a clear understanding of the target audience.
What do you think of the wordplay “Fish & Cheap”?
“Fish & Cheap” is a clever wordplay that plays with the phonetic similarity between “Fish & Chips” (a popular dish in the United Kingdom) and “Fish & Cheap”. You can also see the connection with the English phrase cheap as chips, meaning ‘very cheap’. At first glance, it could attract attention due to its inventiveness and creativity and stick in the customer’s mind. However, its effectiveness depends on the context in which it is used and if it truly aligns with the product or service being advertised.
If the goal is to emphasise the accessibility or low price of a fish-related product, it could well be effective. However, if used in a context where the quality of the product is important and the message is interpreted in a way that implies the fish is of low quality or little value, it could have a negative effect on the customer’s perception.
What does the effectiveness of wordplay depend on?
In summary, “Fish & Cheap” is a fun play on words, but its effectiveness depends on the context and the target audience.
“Nice & Price” is another interesting play on words. Similarly to “Fish & Cheap”, its effectiveness depends on the context in which it is used and how it is perceived by the audience.
This play on words could work well in situations where the aim is to convey the idea that a product or service offers good value for money. The word “nice” suggests something pleasant or of quality, while “price” refers to the cost. Together they create a message that suggests something is at once enjoyable and affordable.
However, as with any wordplay, it is important to consider the context and audience. If used inappropriately or in a way that does not align with the product or service being advertised, it could be forgotten or even result in negative public perception. Furthermore, since it does not reference an existing phrase, as occurs with “Fish & Cheap”, this play on words could have less of an impact on customers. In conclusion, “Nice & Price” could be effective if used adequately and in line with the brand and message it wants to convey.
Are you only aiming at the Spanish market or also the English market?

At BBLTranslation we recommend requesting creative copies from our native copywriters so that they choose wordplay that works for the client’s target audience.
A copywriter is a professional specialised in writing texts that are essential for any marketing company. They are masters in the art of writing messages that impact an audience, whether that be to generate emotions, drive sales, provide relevant information or motivate people to take specific actions.