Breaking into the Swedish food labelling market is easy with us

BBLTranslation, Featured, Food labelling

As a translation agency specialising in food label translations, we understand the unique challenges and critical importance of accuracy in this field. Translating food labels is more than a linguistic exercise; it involves a deep understanding of regulations, cultural nuances, and consumer preferences. For companies looking to enter the Swedish market, it is essential to ensure that your food labels are not only translated accurately but also comply with all relevant regulations. Here, we outline the key considerations for translating food labels from English to Swedish and highlight the pertinent regulations.

Understanding the regulatory landscape

Entering the Swedish market requires adherence to several key regulations. The most important of these include:

  • EU Regulation no. 1169/2011 (FIC 1169/2011): This regulation mandates the provision of food information to consumers, aiming to ensure that labels are clear and comprehensive. It covers aspects such as the list of ingredients, nutritional information, allergen declarations, and legibility.
  • EU Implementing Regulation no. 2018/775: This regulation, related to Article 26(3) of FIC 1169/2011, focuses on the rules for indicating the country of origin or place of provenance of the primary ingredient of a food product. Compliance with this regulation is crucial for maintaining transparency and trust with consumers.
  • Swedish National Regulation Livsmedelsverkets föreskrifter 2003:39: This regulation specifically addresses the labelling requirements for milk and cheese products in Sweden. It is important for companies dealing with these products to understand and comply with these specific guidelines to avoid regulatory issues.

Key considerations for accurate translation

Regulatory compliance: Each food label must adhere to the regulations mentioned above. This means not only translating the text but also ensuring that the information structure, content, and presentation meet legal standards. For instance, allergen information must be highlighted appropriately, and the country of origin must be stated clearly if required. Also, fat in dry matter is not mandatory information in Sweden, only the real fat %.

Cultural nuances: Swedish consumers have their own cultural preferences and expectations when it comes to food labelling. For example, organic and locally sourced products are highly valued. Therefore, translating food labels involves understanding these cultural nuances and presenting the information in a way that resonates with Swedish consumers.

Terminology accuracy: Food terminology can vary significantly between English and Swedish. Accurate translation of terms such as ingredients, nutritional values, and dietary claims is critical. Misunderstandings or inaccuracies can lead to regulatory fines or consumer distrust.

Visual and design elements: The layout and design of food labels are as important as the text itself. Swedish regulations stipulate certain legibility requirements, such as minimum font sizes and contrasts. Ensuring that the translated text fits within the design while maintaining compliance is a crucial step.

Our translation process

Our translation process for food labels involves several meticulous steps to ensure compliance and accuracy:

Regulatory review: We start by reviewing the relevant regulations for the specific product type and target market. This helps us identify any mandatory information and design requirements.

Terminology management: We maintain an extensive glossary of food-related terms and regulatory phrases to ensure consistency and accuracy across all translations.

Cultural adaptation: Our translators are not only language experts but also well-versed in Swedish culture and consumer preferences. This ensures that the translated labels are both accurate and appealing to the target market.

Quality assurance: Every translation goes through a rigorous quality assurance process, including proofreading by a second linguist and a final review by a regulatory compliance expert.

In a nutshell

Entering the Swedish food market requires more than just translating your food labels; it demands a thorough understanding of the regulatory environment and cultural preferences. At BBLTranslation, we specialise in translating food labels from English to Swedish with precision and compliance. By partnering with us, you can ensure that your products are labelled accurately and appealingly, helping you build trust with Swedish consumers and succeed in this competitive market.

For more information on our translation services and how we can help your business, please contact us today.

Image of Jens Junge from Pixabay

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